Adding notes to a case

Find out how to add notes to a case to make it easier for you and your linked mentors to manage it.

Cam Carstairs avatar
Written by Cam Carstairs
Updated over a week ago

Clicking on note instead of reply allows you to add any private reflections, thoughts or actions to a case. These will NOT be seen by the student who raised the case.

Once you have clicked note the box will turn yellow so you can be 100% sure that what you are writing will not be seen by the student.

You may use this feature if you have suspicions around who you are talking to before their identity is confirmed. Or, you may have a conversation with this student before the case is resolved and you want to make a note of that so that all the information is captured. You can make a note of anything like this using the note feature.

Watch out! Notes are NOT seen by the students – these are purely for you and the other mentors' safeguarding tracking purposes.

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