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What is tootoot?
What data can I get from tootoot?
What data can I get from tootoot?

Use your data to make your school a happier and safer place to be

Cam Carstairs avatar
Written by Cam Carstairs
Updated over a week ago

Tootoot comes packed full of insightful reports and metrics that help you make sense of all your students' cases, discover trends and give you the information you need to make evidence-based decisions at your school.ย 

Examples of the kind of data you can extract from tootoot include:

  • When in the day students are reporting

  • Which categories are being used most (e.g. Bullying; Isolation; Racism)

  • Student Involvement

  • All cases and incidents types in the last week; term; year.

  • Any cases/incidents involving a sub-group of students (e.g. Year 8 boys; SEND students; girls with EAL etc)

  • Cases/incidents by location (e.g. playground; lunch hall; school bus)

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