What if I launch tootoot and no-one uses it?
It could be considered a good thing if all is quiet on your tootoot account. However, there are some steps you can take to increase the awareness of tootoot in your school in order to ensure nobody is suffering in silence.
Have you tried these 5 simple things...
1. Handed out all student login details?
During your account set-up process you will have received an excel spreadsheet that contains your student login details on – we have made it nice and simple for you to distribute these to your students by creating business like cards. To find out how to do this please go to “How to launch tootoot in your school”.
You can alternatively, arrange for activation/reminder emails to be sent to your students periodically (weekly, monthly, termly etc). This will only be possible if you've consented to us accessing student email data via the MIS integration. These regular emails can serve as a friendly reminder that tootoot is there for them, should they need it.
2. Asked all students to log in and change their password?
After handing out the students login details ask them to log in to their account and change their password – if they familiarise themselves with how to log in it may prompt them to engage with the tool. You may even consider asking them to use their tootoot to send in a test message. You can resolve and categorise these initial cases as '_Test and Training_' to keep them separate from your genuine safeguarding data.
3. Put up posters around the school?
Having visual reminders of tootoot will help remind students/staff that the tool is there for them to use. Please contact your account manager to request a poster pack to be sent out to you or you can download them yourself – to do this please go to the “Resources/Extras” page.
4. Played the launch video to students/parents?
We have put together a video that you can show your students/parents to help explain what tootoot is and how to access it. To find out where to access the launch video please head over to “How to launch tootoot in your school”.
5. Used tootoot as part of a classroom activity or lesson?
It could be a good idea to tailor a lesson around a subject and involve tootoot to help up engagement. For example – you could do a lesson on cyberbullying and ask the students to log what they think cyberbullying is and something they have learned about cyberbullying.
If you have done all these things and there is still low engagement, it is important to remember that tootoot is like a fire extinguisher, it doesn’t have to be used all the time but it’s good to know that it’s there. Ensure visibility and awareness are kept high by reinforcing tootoot at the beginning of every term.
Have you tried these 5 simple things...
1. Handed out all student login details?
During your account set-up process you will have received an excel spreadsheet that contains your student login details on – we have made it nice and simple for you to distribute these to your students by creating business like cards. To find out how to do this please go to “How to launch tootoot in your school”.
You can alternatively, arrange for activation/reminder emails to be sent to your students periodically (weekly, monthly, termly etc). This will only be possible if you've consented to us accessing student email data via the MIS integration. These regular emails can serve as a friendly reminder that tootoot is there for them, should they need it.
2. Asked all students to log in and change their password?
After handing out the students login details ask them to log in to their account and change their password – if they familiarise themselves with how to log in it may prompt them to engage with the tool. You may even consider asking them to use their tootoot to send in a test message. You can resolve and categorise these initial cases as '_Test and Training_' to keep them separate from your genuine safeguarding data.
3. Put up posters around the school?
Having visual reminders of tootoot will help remind students/staff that the tool is there for them to use. Please contact your account manager to request a poster pack to be sent out to you or you can download them yourself – to do this please go to the “Resources/Extras” page.
4. Played the launch video to students/parents?
We have put together a video that you can show your students/parents to help explain what tootoot is and how to access it. To find out where to access the launch video please head over to “How to launch tootoot in your school”.
5. Used tootoot as part of a classroom activity or lesson?
It could be a good idea to tailor a lesson around a subject and involve tootoot to help up engagement. For example – you could do a lesson on cyberbullying and ask the students to log what they think cyberbullying is and something they have learned about cyberbullying.
If you have done all these things and there is still low engagement, it is important to remember that tootoot is like a fire extinguisher, it doesn’t have to be used all the time but it’s good to know that it’s there. Ensure visibility and awareness are kept high by reinforcing tootoot at the beginning of every term.
Updated on: 23/12/2024
Thank you!