Tootoot Sport - Account Setup
How do I add Members?
In order to add members to the tootoot sport account you need to log in to your administrator account. You can either upload individual members, or bulk upload your members.
To upload a single member:
Make sure you click the 'Users' tab at the top of the page.
Click the green + Members button.
Fill in the details on the left hand side under the title ' Create single member '. Note - 'Tag' simply means how you distinguish between your members e.g. Under 16s; Under 18s; Girls Under 12s etc.
Once you have filled in the fields, click ' Create Member '.
Keep the login details somewhere safe!
To upload in buik:
Make sure you click the ‘Users’ tab at the top of the page.
Click the green ‘+ Add Member(s)’ button.
Click the ‘Download template spreadsheet’ link on the right hand side of the page.
An excel spreadsheet should download to your computer, open the file.
Fill in all the information in the correct columns for your members. If you don’t already have unique usernames and passwords for your members in the club, you will need to create some. The customer support team at tootoot can help you with this if you are having any problems.
Once the file is complete and you have saved it to your computer, go back to the page you were on and click Choose File or Browse and find the file that you have just saved to your computer.
Finally, click upload members. This will create all of the accounts for your members. Keep the saved spreadsheet somewhere safe, as this contains all of their usernames and passwords!
As soon as you create the member accounts, the data will be automatically uploaded to your tootoot sport account and ready to go! All you need to do is hand out their login details.
Even if you aren’t using tootoot sport for member voice, it is still useful to upload your members to the account so that each member has their own profile which you can log incidents into.
How do I add Welfare Officers?
In order to add welfare officers to the tootoot sport account you need to log in to your administrator account. You can either upload individual welfare officers, or upload them in bulk.
To upload a single welfare officer;
Make sure you click the ‘Users’ tab at the top of the page.
Click the green ‘+ Add Welfare Officer(s)’ button.
Fill in the details on the left hand side under the title ‘Create single welfare officer’.
Once you have filled in the empty fields, click ‘Create Welfare Officer’.
Keep the login details (username and password) somewhere safe to give to your welfare officer so they can log in!
To upload in bulk;
Make sure you click the ‘Users’ tab at the top of the page.
Click the green ‘+ Add Welfare Officer(s)’ button.
Click the ‘Download template spreadsheet’ link on the right hand side of the page.
An excel spreadsheet should download to your computer, open the file.
Fill in all of the information in the correct columns for your welfare officers. If you don’t already have unique usernames and passwords for the officers in your club, you will need to create some. The customer support team at tootoot can help you with this if you are having any problems. Note - For 'Tag' you can simply put 'Staff' or 'Welfare Officer'.
Once the file is complete and you have saved it to your computer, go back to the add welfare officers page and click Choose File or Browse and find the file that you just saved to your computer.
Finally, click upload welfare officers. This will create all of the accounts for your officers. Keep the saved spreadsheet somewhere safe as this contains all of their usernames and passwords!
As soon as you create the Welfare Officer accounts, their account is ready to go! All you need to do is hand out their login details.
Note: If you upload email addresses for your welfare officers, the support team can send out notification emails when you are ready to introduce tootoot sport to them. The email will also include their login details.
Call them on 01289 541 991 to set a date for your launch so that they can send out the emails.
How do I add more Admins?
For additional admin logins, you must contact the Customer Support team on 01289 541991 or emailing An existing admin must make this request. If this is not possible please let us know.
Setting Permission Levels and Access Restrictions
There are different ways in which you can have your account setup and means you can really tailor it to your club’s needs.
Below are different ways in which you can have your welfare officer accounts set up and how to do it:
1. Everyone sees everything – default setting
You can have all of the welfare officers able to see everything, which includes the cases and incidents that other welfare officers are currently dealing with. This is the default setting.
2. Sandboxing - Granular permission and access levels for staff
You can sandbox your account to provide only designated staff with full access and notification permissions. You can assign specific staff as Head welfare officers who have a higher level of access than welfare officers. All new cases raised by members will be assigned to the head welfare officers and they will then be able to re-assign them onwards to the relevant welfare officers if they want to.
Head welfare officers also have the ability to ‘Reveal’ who a member is straight away if necessary. They also have an overview of all open cases and incidents, meaning that if sandboxing is turned on, they will still be able to see everything.
Welfare officers only see what they are assigned to
This means that any sensitive data will only be seen by the people who need to see it.
You can still link a normal welfare officer into a case, even if they aren’t a head welfare officer.
This function is called ‘sandboxing’ and you will need to get in touch of one of the customer support team to make these amendments.
HOW: All of the above amendments can be made by getting in touch with the customer support team. You can call then on 01289 541 991 or email them at:
Updated on: 18/12/2024
Thank you!