Articles on: How to setup tootoot

How to add students manually

Manual upload

You can either upload individual students, or bulk upload your students on your admin account.

To upload a single student;

Click the users tab at the top of the page.
Click the green + add student(s) button.
Fill in the details on the left hand side under the title create single student.
_Watch out_: Tag simply means how you distinguish between your students (e.g. Year 6, Year 7).
Click create student.
Keep the login details (username and password) somewhere safe to give to your student's so that they can log in! They will be prompted to reset their password to something memorable when they first log in.

To upload in bulk;

Click the users tab at the top of the page.
Click the green + add student(s) button.
Click the download template spreadsheet link on the right hand side of the page
An excel spreadsheet will download to your computer. Open the file.
Fill in as much information as you can (r_equired fields_: full name, username, password, tag). If you don't already have unique usernames and passwords for the students in your school, you will need to create some. The customer support team at tootoot can help with this. _Watch out!_ For 'tag' you should enter the year group of each student.
Once the file is complete and you have saved it to your computer, go back to the users page and click choose file or browse and find the file that you have just saved.
Finally, click upload students. This will create all of the accounts for your students. Keep the spreadsheet somewhere safe as this contains all of their usernames and passwords!

_Watch out!_ If you are creating your own usernames and passwords, make sure they are over 5 characters long and that there are no duplicates!

If you are unsure of how to do this, the customer support team can help. You can upload your data securely by clicking on the following link;

What’s next?**...Once your students are on the system you can create login cards for them. Click here to find out how.

Updated on: 23/12/2024

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