Articles on: How to setup tootoot

Generating login cards for your students

Wherever possible, we recommend launching by activation email, where our support team can schedule activation emails to go out to your students so they can set their passwords for access. If this is not possible then you can create login cards for manual distribution during an assembly or appropriate class-time.

Generating login cards is very quick and easy! All you need is your student logins spreadsheet saved to your computer. You should have this regardless of whether you chose to upload your students manually or by connecting to your MIS via Wonde.

Just follow these simple steps:

Log in to your admin account and ensure you are on the users page.
Click the generate login detail cards button.
Go down towards the bottom of the page and click choose file or browse.
Navigate to where your student spreadsheet file has been saved and either double click it or select it and click open at the bottom right of the window.
Click the blue generate PDF button at the bottom of the page.
A PDF document will download and be visible at the bottom of your browser window. If not, you should find it in your computer's 'downloads' folder. Open the PDF file to view your students login cards.
Print your PDF and either cut them out or remove them if you have printed them on a sheet of adhesive labels.
Distribute them to your students during an assembly or an appropriate class.

Note: Some schools distribute these during an I.T. lesson and have the students login during the class, so they can reset their password or even log a test case to familiarise themselves with tootoot!

_Watch out!_ The PDF is formatted to print 10 cards on an A4 sheet of paper. If you want to print them on adhesive labels, ensure you use an appropriate template such as OL125 for Microsoft Word.

What's next... Check out the tips and advice on launching tootoot to your students and ensuring it's embedded well in your school. Click here for more information.

Updated on: 23/12/2024

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