Articles on: Extras and resources

10 Free Anti-Bullying Teaching Resources

Anti-bullying Week 2020 was a huge success, with millions of children and young people across the UK joining together to Unite Against Bullying.

With such an important topic it is crucial that we maintain the conversation and culture change beyond Anti-Bullying Week.

To help with this, we’ve pulled our favourite anti-bullying resources together into one guide so that you can access these resources throughout the year.

1. Anti-Bullying Alliance

ABA are the official organisers of Anti-Bullying Week! They developed an incredible set of resources that helped schools and other settings bring the Anti-bullying Week theme – United Against Bullying – to life.

Their resources included films, cross-curricular activity ideas and assemblies. They can be used whether you are teaching face to face or online.

Download their resources here:

2. Kidscape

Kidscape teamed up with Elmer for their Friendship Friday resources this year. Their resources gave pupils a fantastic opportunity to take a united stance against bullying with resource packs for Early years, KS1 and KS2.

You can find them here

p.s Kidscape also run some free programmes that provide children with a range of tools to increase assertiveness, build confidence and help them manage bullying situations. Find out more about them here

3. Internet Matters

Internet Matters have lesson plans and classroom resources that cover a range of online issues.

Whilst they focus on a range of topics – not just bullying – a lot of their resources help children to benefit from technology in a safe and smart way. Many of their resources can be used in the classroom and by parents at home to make positive changes to children’s digital lives and include information covering a range topics such as cyberbullying, being kind and digital footprints.

Their one-stop shop is well worth a look here

4. Ditch the Label

Ditch the Label are the charity to go-to for anyone under 25 looking for support with bullying, digital wellbeing and mental health. Their support hub covers a huge range of issues and is specifically designed to be attractive to KS3 upwards. Take a look at their support hub here:

Educators, you can make use of Ditch the Label’s free resources via their dedicated platform DTL:ED.

Their research, particularly their Annual Bullying Survey, is also a fantastic resource for those looking for the latest UK bullying statistics and reports access them here:

They also have a team of trained mentors and a community of people that can offer advice and support. You can apply to join their community here:

5. The Anti-Bullying Programme

The Anti-Bullying Programme (part of The Diana Award) provide a range of resources designed to support schools and their Anti-bullying work. Their videos, presentations, guides cover topics including anti-bullying, online safety, digital wellbeing and diversity and inclusion.

Our favourites are their ‘[Guide to building a student-friendly anti-bullying policy’]( and their ‘[Bullying basics factsheet’](

You can find all of their resources here:

6. Pupil Voice Week

Pupil Voice Week – led by tootoot – runs during the last week of September every year. It’s a chance for school pupils to join together and consider ways they can use their voice to be a force for positive change.

With partners such as The Anti-Bullying Alliance, Kidscape, Internet Matters and Commando Joe’s providing support and resources it has always been a great source of information for schools – with over 500,000 pupils joining Pupil Voice Week 2020!

You can sign-up at any point in the year to gain access to the free activities, lesson plans and resources (they’re well worth it!). Sign-up here:

7. Tootoot

Tootoot is our anti-bullying and pupil voice app that gives pupils a safe, accessible and confidential route to talk about their worries or concerns.

The UK Government’s Department for Education suggested in recent guidance that “schools may wish to use resources such as Tootoot to provide a confidential route for pupils to report bullying or abuse.’

You can find out more about tootoot and how we support schools with their anti-bullying efforts here:

8. Into Film

Our friends at Into Film have created a whole range of resources to help get conversations going about Anti-bullying. Films can often provide a starting point for discussion of these issues and serve as a catalyst for the formation of anti-bullying strategies, both in and outside of school.

We absolutely love that they have created some amazing teaching resources and an anti-bullying film list for schools and parents to access. You can find their resources here

9. Votes for Schools

Use Votes for Schools free teaching resources to generate conversations with your pupils around Anti-Racism, British Value and Equality. Important topics to talk about when considering how we can unite against bullying.

Download their free resources here:

10. Safeguarding Essentials

Safeguarding Essentials firmly believe that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.

Their free resources, such as their online checklist, policy template and lesson and assembly plans provide a fantastic foundation for anti-bullying and wellbeing within schools.

Download them


Updated on: 23/12/2024

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